Children Bedroom Pop Design

Children Bedroom Pop Design

Top Trends on how to turn your ceiling or false ceiling into artwork by ceiling designs, ceiling mural in the kid's room, graphics, and ceiling designs, false ceiling design ideas for kids room.

Stylish kids room ceiling designs and ideas 2019

Creating a design for a kid's room a very interesting task. It is necessary not only to properly choose safe, reliable and durable materials for finishing but also to take into account the fact that for your kid this is the whole world in which it grows, develops, learns new things, rejoices and mourns.

When planning the repair of a kid's room, there are no trifles, you need to think through every detail, from the general concept, the color palette and the themes to the design of the switches. Ceiling design, the surface which certainly can not be called a trifle, which will be discussed in this article.

Stylish kids room ceiling designs and ideas 2019

Stylish kids room ceiling designs and ideas 2019

Stylish kids room ceiling designs and ideas 2019

Which materials to use to create a safe, beautiful, reliable coating than you can diversify the traditional design, how to find original ideas for an individual approach to the false ceiling design for kid's room and do not ruin the family budget? We will try to answer these and other questions with the help of a large selection of design projects for kid's rooms with the most diverse false ceiling design ideas for 2019.

Stylish kids room ceiling designs and ideas 2019

In creating the interior of the kid's room, it is important to important to know the modern kid's room lighting ideas such as indirect lighting ideas for kid's room, kid's room false ceiling lights, False ceiling led lighting and wall LED lights for the kid's room. This helps to harmonize the design items in the kid's room and highlight the sectors if you want to accentuate them. How to correctly make the lighting in the kid's room and we will reveal in this thread.

Ways to get a Kid's room ceiling design

Stylish kids room ceiling designs and ideas 2019

Stylish kids room ceiling designs and ideas 2019

You should ensure that your kid's false ceiling design you will install has the following characteristics:

  • ecological (safe for humans and the environment);
  • Durable (does not lose its aesthetic qualities and technological properties over time);
  • hygienic (the material should not contribute to the formation and spread of fungus, mold);
  • safe (it's no wonder that no parent would want the elements of the false ceiling design to be showered on the kid);
  • Harmonizing in style of execution, color and textural decision with the overall design of the room;
  • easy to install (because many would like to save on the services of specialists and carry out the installation yourself);
  • affordable (the design of the kid's room does not last long, because the kid grows, his interests and preferences change).

Stylish kids room ceiling designs and ideas 2019

Unfortunately, it is impossible to find a version of the finish that would satisfy each item of the requirements. parents will have to solve the dilemma (expensive but qualitatively, quickly, but not eco-friendly, etc.)  in any case. Proceed from the chosen concept of decorating the room, its financial capabilities and experience of finishing works.

How false ceilings has advantages over the use of other materials:

Stylish kids room ceiling designs and ideas 2019

Stylish kids room ceiling designs and ideas 2019

Stylish kids room ceiling designs and ideas 2019

  • Using gypsum plasterboard you can even out the defects of the ceiling;
  • there is no need to perform preparatory work before installing tension ceilings;
  • under the material you can hide all the wires, the exhaust compartments;
  • great scope for imagination, the opportunity to make a multi-level project.

Planning for ceiling design for kid's room

Stylish kids room ceiling designs and ideas 2019

Stylish kids room ceiling designs and ideas 2019

Of course, planning each room is different. For example, if the interior is of a modern style, the POP false ceiling design for hall consists of straight and rotary lines. For classic style kid's rooms, the ceiling design may have sophisticated gypsum forms and gypsum roses.

Stylish kids room ceiling designs and ideas 2019

Stylish kids room ceiling designs and ideas 2019

We mentioned that you should consider the room conditions when designing the false ceiling.

Stretch ceilings for kids room

Stretch ceilings in our country are incredibly popular. False ceiling design for kids room made of PVC film or impregnated with a special composition of fabric stretches on a metal frame, installed around the perimeter of the room. Create a perfectly flat surface is possible due to the heating of the canvas with a special heater. Advantages of stretch ceilings for kids room are:

Stylish kids room ceiling designs and ideas 2019

the possibility of installation without preliminary preparation of the surface (for apartments and houses with uneven ceilings, the presence of level differences is an ideal option);

installation is carried out quickly, within 3-4 hours all work will be completed;

the material does not absorb moisture and does not attract dust - an excellent finish for the kid's allergic room;

a sufficiently wide range of color solutions, the possibility of applying photo printing, engraving.

Stylish kids room ceiling designs and ideas 2019

if you use a synthetic stretch for finishing the ceiling, which can change the microclimate of the room, but for walls it is better to choose paper or other natural wallpaper, and for flooring use a parquet board;

The kid's room will need to be ventilated regularly (keep the windows on micro-ventilation);

Stylish kids room ceiling designs and ideas 2019

if possible, then use a PVC film to a textile fabric with micro-perforation;

it is necessary to take responsibility for the choice of the manufacturer of the canvas and purchase only certified products.

If we talk about stretch ceiling design and color solutions for kids room, it is obvious that the most popular design is a universal and neutral version of the stretch ceiling is a snow-white satin cloth.

If the room is scheduled color execution of the walls (at least one accent), then the best option for creating a neutral background of the false ceiling design will be a white execution. For small spaces, this method of decoration will be optimal, white color in a glossy design will help visually increase the height of the ceiling.

Bright execution of the stretched false ceiling designs for kid's room can become an original accent of the interior. But it is important to understand that this way of attracting attention to the ceiling is suitable only for rooms with sufficient height. In rooms with low ceilings, bright design can create a negative psychological effect, creating a "heavy" atmosphere in the room.

ceilings design in trend today for kids room:

Stylish kids room ceiling designs and ideas 2019

If only recently people were satisfied with single-color glossy, now boring ceilings are no longer pleasing to the eye, we want more.!

We need a masterpiece, a work of art etched over our heads. And this desire is not new at all. The desire to decorate the ceiling came down to us from the Middle Ages, and even earlier.

Stylish kids room ceiling designs and ideas 2019

The decoration of his home with murals, paintings depicting the heavenly vault was the prerogative of a wealthy estate and now the ceiling picture is associated with the prosperity and well-being of the family.

design ceilings in the kid's room - this is exactly what diversifies our way of life, will give the room a coziness and its unique charm.

For a relatively small amount of money in an ordinary little room, you can customize an interior, which we only dreamed of when looking through glossy editions.

ceiling design over the past decade has become a trend, and it is used in the design of the most expensive establishments, which will only emphasize their elitism.

Cool ceiling designs ideas for kids room :

Stylish kids room ceiling designs and ideas 2019

This room will not leave anyone indifferent.

Here, not only parents but also their kids can use the imagination.

Most often in the nursery used mural of cartoons, the stars, the sun.

It can also be white clouds against the blue sky, birds, butterflies, flowers or animals.

ceiling design in kids room creates a huge space for creativity.

Stylish kids room ceiling designs and ideas 2019

Excellent addition to the main part of the design of the kids' room will be not only individual drawings but the entire color scheme.

Stylish kids room ceiling designs and ideas 2019

For example, a kid in the style of a sailboat, a spaceship,  an uninhabited island, a hut in the forest.

Photo of stylish ceiling design for kids room

Stylish kids room ceiling designs and ideas 2019

Stylish kids room ceiling designs and ideas 2019

Stylish kids room ceiling designs and ideas 2019

Stylish kids room ceiling designs and ideas 2019

Stylish kids room ceiling designs and ideas 2019

Stylish kids room ceiling designs and ideas 2019

Stylish kids room ceiling designs and ideas 2019

Stylish kids room ceiling designs and ideas 2019

Stylish kids room ceiling designs and ideas 2019

Children Bedroom Pop Design


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